New Music and Aesthetics
Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf (ed.)
Critical Composition Today
New Music and Aesthetics in the 21st Century, Vol. 5
Critical composition is generally associated with compositional approaches sharing a fundamental left-leaning political stance in relation to their own position in society that can lead to a decided political commitment, and is carried by the conviction that the treatment of musical material must be »critically« oriented. These positions have meanwhile gained astounding recognition, which must now – in the face of the rapid societal changes since the late 1980s and also the »competing venture« of post-modernity, which seemingly denies the younger and middle generations access to a critical form of composition – be problematized.
In order to render the transition from a First to a Second Modernity comprehensible, essays have been requested from composers, musicologists, philosophers and sociologists. The contributors to the present volume are the following: Frank Cox, Gordon Downie, Ernst Helmuth Flammer, Harry Lehmann, Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf, Günter Mayer, Dieter Mersch, Rainer Nonnenmann, Nicola Sani, Gerhard Stäbler, and Ferdinand Zehentreiter.
In English, with musical examples 210 p., Pb.,
€ 22.–, 978-3-936000-16-0
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